8月5日至6日,暨南大学经济与社会研究院(IESR)在曾宪梓科学馆406会议室成功举办了2024 IESR 劳动经济学学术会议。本次会议邀请了来自斯坦福大学、杨百翰大学、加州大学圣克鲁斯分校、马里兰大学、长江商学院、上海科技大学以及暨南大学等境内外知名高校的10余位学者参会。

会议伊始,IESR院长冯帅章教授与杨百翰大学Lars Lefgren教授分别致辞,表达了对与会学者的热烈欢迎,并希望本次会议能够促进劳动经济学领域的学术交流与合作。

Lars Lefgren (杨百翰大学)分享了题为“Equilibrium Gender Discrimination and Disadvantage in Student Evaluations of Teaching ”的报告。
Shuaizhang Feng (暨南大学)分享了题为“How Being Raised by an Only Child Affects Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills Development ”的报告。
Brian Viard (长江商学院)分享了题为“Evaluating Air Pollution Regulation: Separating Firm Competitiveness and Ambient Effects ”的报告。
Justin Marion (加州大学圣克鲁斯分校)分享了题为“The Ratchet Effect and Government Performance Targets: Small Business Goals in U.S. Federal Procurement
Nolan Pope (马里兰大学)分享了题为“Divorce, Family Arrangement, and Children’s Adult Outcomes”的报告。
Yangyang Zhang (暨南大学)分享了题为“Who Wants the Second One? The Effect of the Relaxation of One-Child Policy in China ”的报告。
Wei Lin (暨南大学)分享了题为“From Law to Norm: The Impact of One-Child Policy on Fertility Norm in China ”的报告。
Shu Cai(暨南大学)分享了题为“Risk Behaviors of Only-Child Parents: Evidence from the One-Child Policy in China”的报告。
Eric Bettinger (斯坦福大学)分享了题为“Fake Diplomas, Real Gains: Analyzing Wage Increases in Brazil’s Labor Market ”的报告。
Eric Bettinger
Jingliang Lu (暨南大学)分享了题为“The Effects of Initial Economic Conditions on Wages for College Graduates in China ”的报告。
Yi Chen (上海科技大学)分享了题为“Recovering Overlooked Information in Categorical Variables with LLMs: An Application to Labor Market Mismatch”的报告。
Yi Chen
Siyu Chen (暨南大学)分享了题为“Contagious Game App Usage and College Students’ Academic and Labor Market Outcomes ”的报告。
